Walkthrough Wednesdays Series: August Recap

Wrapping up our focus on some of our integration core features, we have consolidated the previous Walkthrough Wednesdays we have had for the month of August. Throughout the month, we have had 4 Walkthrough Wednesdays Series: Custom Field Mapping, Filtering and Segmentation, Full Sync, and Checkbox Fields for Segmentation.

In this webinar, find out how easy you can set up all of these features for your integration with SyncApps.

Custom Field Mapping

Custom Field Mapping

We sync the pre-mapped basic and default fields such as Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, and Phone.

If wanting to sync other fields, Custom Field Mapping feature enables you to sync any custom form fields over from your CRM to your marketing automation software.

For a deeper review on how to implement Custom Field Mapping for your integration, you can head over here for an extensive demo.

Filtering and Segmentation

Filtering And Segmentation

Filtering and Segmentation is one of our most powerful features where you can sync specific records according to your criteria with ease!

Filtering allows you to set up specific criteria that you would like your records to go through for integration. Filtering runs against your target database and matches the records that meet your criteria.

Segmentation is selecting your specified filters and narrowing each filter down into one segment. This is very helpful if you have different criteria for the different filters that you have set.

See how you can set the Filtering and Segmentation feature for your integration over our extensive webinar demo here.

Full Sync

Full Sync

Removing records from your Marketing Automation software during sync with your CRM is critical in keeping your lists fresh.

With our Full Sync feature, SyncApps will automatically clean up your list from those deleted or unsubscribed records from the Marketing Automation software that can’t be removed when doing the regular sync.

You can easily set this up for your integration with our webinar demo on Full Sync feature here.

Checkbox Fields for Segmentation

checkbox Fields for Segmentation

One of our most powerful features, Checkbox Fields Segmentation lets you sync any CRM Checkbox Fields on your Lead or Contact records to your Marketing Automation List/Group/Segment.

Keep your lists/groups/segments and CRM records updated with this feature as every Checkbox is tied to one List/Group/Segment in your Marketing Automation

For a deep dive review on our Checkbox Fields for Segmentation feature for your integration, watch our webinar demo here.

Thanks again for checking in & hope you can join us LIVE next time.

The SyncApps Software Team