Frustrated by Personalization Issues? Here’s How to Fix Them with Integration

Angie oversees Cazoomi's operations. She enjoys traveling, loves dogs, is a 1% Pledge supporter, and a start-up entrepreneur with investments in several APAC startups. 7 minute read

Humans are weird.

On the one hand, we don’t want to share our personal data, and, more importantly, we don’t want it used without our consent. 

On the other hand, we want, nay, we demand, personalized experiences specifically tailored to our needs by the companies we buy from. 

The data gathered by every report out there supports this:

  • If you get personalization right, you can generate 40% more revenue. Sign me up!
  • 3 out of 4 business leaders say that personalization is critical to their success. 3 out of 4 business leaders know what’s good for them. 
  • 89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their campaigns. 11% of marketers are doing it wrong. 
  • Acceptance of personalized ads has increased by 19% in the past two years. Told you we’re weird!
  • 85% of businesses say they deliver personalized experiences, but only 60% of consumers say they are receiving them. The postman did it again!
  • 87% of consumers say they expect at least some level of personalization. But on their terms, OK?

Joke(s) aside, personalization is tricky, and it’s getting even more so with the advent of legislative guardrails for Internet companies all over the world. More and more often, we see huge companies like Meta and Google forced to cut back on personalization tactics and collect less data from their users.

Before you say “poor Google,” let me remind you that opaque data collection and use harms everyone except big companies — consumers and small companies get the short end of the stick nearly every time.

Again, research data supports this:

  • Transparency in targeted ads can increase revenue by 38%. Today’s consumers are educated and want to know how their data is used. 
  • 55% of consumers say that trustworthiness and transparency are the most essential qualities of a brand. They know what’s happening!
  • When consumers get a text from a retailer while they walk past their physical shop, they find it creepy. Maybe because it is? 
  • Only 6% of businesses can properly consolidate data into a single representation of the customer for tailored experiences across channels. Yikes! This is what we’re here to fix!

To recap, your customers will share as little of their personal data with you as possible, but they expect you to create personalized experiences for them. 

No wonder that only 6% of companies manage to do that.

Let’s see how you can fall right within that 6%. 

5 Ways to Deliver Personalized Experiences through Integration (without Collecting too Much Customer Data)

The data issue isn’t exactly what it seems. It’s not that companies don’t have access to data — they do. But it’s not consolidated.

This means that it’s either:

  • Incomplete or wrong (people change jobs, email addresses, preferences, and so on)
  • Spread across multiple platforms: your CRM “knows” what product client X is interested in, but you don’t have access to that data in your email automation platform, so you keep sending them generic email campaigns.

Here’s how we fix that for SyncApps users:

  1. Accurate Data, Updated in Real-Time

If you migrate your data between, say, Salesforce and Mailchimp manually, you’re likely to make mistakes. A typo in an email address renders it invalid.

From a personalization standpoint, if you misspell the lead’s first name, you’ve nearly lost them. “Hello, [ACCURATE first_name] is personalization 101, the easiest thing to do, so you have to get it right.

If you integrate Salesforce and Mailchimp, on the other hand, you don’t have to worry about this anymore.

  • Data transfer is 100% automated, so no human errors are involved.
  • If a lead of yours changes jobs or job titles, your sales reps are likely to find out before marketing does and update that information in Salesforce. Through integration, it will be visible in Mailchimp (or your automation platform of choice), so you can target them with relevant campaigns.
  • No more duplicate entries, so no more spamming your contacts by sending them the same campaign twice. 
  1. Segmentation Challenges Solved with a Single Click

Are you still sending the same email blast to your entire list? There’s a better way!

Integration allows for intelligent segmentation based on Salesforce data, enabling targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, you can create segments based on purchase history, location, or other Salesforce fields, delivering personalized content to each group.

Those segments can be automatically created through your Salesforce and Mailchimp or Constant Contact integration

This is real personalization — the kind that makes customers open, click, and buy! Relevance matters!

  1. Ineffective Follow-Ups Can Be Automated + Timely and Relevant

Let’s say someone clicked on a link in your latest email campaign, and they spent two minutes on your sales page. That’s a huge buying signal.

You have this data, but your sales reps don’t. With the integration of your CRM and email automation platform, they can be alerted immediately, and they can follow up in a timely manner — you know, before the lead forgets what they read.

Or you can completely automate this starting from Salesforce. You can create email triggers based on Salesforce events, such as lead status changes or completed purchases. 

When one of the events happens, the lead or customer receives an instant personalized and relevant follow-up email. Say hello to increased engagement and, more importantly, better conversion rates!

This is the power of bi-directional automation: you can pull data from any solution to meet your financial goals!

  1. Behavioral Personalization Can Be Automated (and No, It’s Not Creepy)

Wouldn’t it be nice to reach your customers when they are in action mode? Or when they have your brand fresh in their minds?

You don’t have to send them text messages when they pass by your shop. But you can trigger personalized emails. Here’s a quick flow:

  • A visitor abandons the cart
  • NetSuite sees that (but it can’t do anything about it)
  • SyncApps can: it can automatically and instantly send the trigger to Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or ActiveCampaign. 
  • The visitor gets a personalized email reminding them to go back and complete the purchase — perhaps even get a discount if they do?

70% of carts get abandoned, so this automation alone can pad your bottom line significantly.

  1. Lead Nurturing — On Auto-Pilot, But Make it Effective

Botched lead nurturing is one of the most significant missed opportunities. Salesforce can do a lot of the heavy lifting here on its own.

Lead scoring, for instance, is a great way to know when your lead is ready to move to the next stage of their buying journey. But that data is useless if you need marketing involved in this journey too, not just sales.

By integrating Salesforce with your marketing automation platform, you can target your leads with relevant content that’s tailor-made for every stage of their journey. And yes, it’s all automated, so you know it’s delivered at the perfect time, even if Lisa from marketing is not in the office when the lead status changes.

You Don’t Need More Data. You Need Better Tools to Interpret the Data You Have

Seriously, too much of anything is bad. Too much data can lead to analysis paralysis. Plus, it’s getting costlier and ethically murkier to collect.

You can do better with the data you already have. You just need the right tools for it.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Choose your integration here and try it for free. What do you have to lose?